/* * Document : app.js * Author : pixelcave * Description: Custom scripts and plugin initializations (available to all pages) * * Feel free to remove the plugin initilizations from uiInit() if you would like to * use them only in specific pages. Also, if you remove a js plugin you won't use, make * sure to remove its initialization from uiInit(). */ var App = function() { /* Cache variables of some often used jquery objects */ var page = $('#page-container'); var header = $('header'); /* Sidebar */ var sToggleSm = $('#sidebar-toggle-sm'); var sToggleLg = $('#sidebar-toggle-lg'); var sScroll = $('.sidebar-scroll'); /* Initialization UI Code */ var uiInit = function() { // Initialize Sidebar Functionality handleSidebar('init'); // Sidebar Navigation functionality handleNav(); // Scroll to top functionality scrollToTop(); // Template Options, change features templateOptions(); // Add the correct copyright year at the footer var yearCopy = $('#year-copy'), d = new Date(); if (d.getFullYear() === 2014) { yearCopy.html('2014'); } else { yearCopy.html('2014-' + d.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2)); } // Set min-height to #page-content, so that footer is visible at the bottom if there is not enough content $('#page-content').css('min-height', $(window).height() - (header.outerHeight() + $('footer').outerHeight()) + 'px'); /*$(window).resize(function() { $('#page-content').css('min-height', $(window).height() - (header.outerHeight() + $('footer').outerHeight()) + 'px'); });*/ // Initialize tabs $('[data-toggle="tabs"] a, .enable-tabs a').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $(this).tab('show'); }); // Initialize Tooltips if (typeof $ !== 'undefined' && $.fn.tooltip) { var selectors = $('[data-toggle="tooltip"], .enable-tooltip'); if (selectors.length) { selectors.tooltip({container: 'body', html: true, animation: false}); } } // Initialize Popovers if (typeof $ !== 'undefined' && $.fn.popover) { var selectors = $('[data-toggle="popover"], .enable-popover'); if (selectors.length) { selectors.popover({container: 'body', animation: true}); } } $.extend(true, $.magnificPopup.defaults, { tClose: 'Cerrar (Esc)', tLoading: 'Cargando...', gallery: { tPrev: 'Anterior', tNext: 'Siguiente', tCounter: '%curr% de %total%' }, image: { tError: 'La imagen no se puede mostrar.' }, ajax: { tError: 'El contenido no se pudo mostrar.' } }); // Initialize single image lightbox $('[data-toggle="lightbox-image"]').magnificPopup({type: 'image', image: {titleSrc: 'title'}}); // Initialize image gallery lightbox $('[data-toggle="lightbox-gallery"]').magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a.gallery-link', type: 'image', gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, arrowMarkup: '' }, image: { titleSrc: function(item) { var caption = item.el.attr('title'); var urlImage = item.el.attr('href'); return caption + '     Ver a pantalla completa'; } } }); // Initialize Editor $('.textarea-editor').wysihtml5(); // Initialize Chosen $('.select-chosen').chosen({width: "100%"}); // Initiaze Slider for Bootstrap $('.input-slider').slider(); // Initialize Tags Input $('.input-tags').tagsInput({ width: 'auto', height: 'auto'}); // Initialize Datepicker $('.input-datepicker, .input-daterange').datepicker({weekStart: 1}); $('.input-datepicker-close').datepicker({weekStart: 1}).on('changeDate', function(e){ $(this).datepicker('hide'); }); // Initialize Timepicker $('.input-timepicker').timepicker({minuteStep: 1,showSeconds: true,showMeridian: true}); $('.input-timepicker24').timepicker({minuteStep: 1,showSeconds: true,showMeridian: false}); // Easy Pie Chart $('.pie-chart').easyPieChart({ barColor: $(this).data('bar-color') ? $(this).data('bar-color') : '#777777', trackColor: $(this).data('track-color') ? $(this).data('track-color') : '#eeeeee', lineWidth: $(this).data('line-width') ? $(this).data('line-width') : 3, size: $(this).data('size') ? $(this).data('size') : '80', animate: 800, scaleColor: false }); // Initialize Placeholder $('input, textarea').placeholder(); }; /* Sidebar Navigation functionality */ var handleNav = function() { // Animation Speed, change the values for different results var upSpeed = 250; var downSpeed = 250; // Get all vital links var allTopLinks = $('.sidebar-nav a'); var menuLinks = $('.sidebar-nav-menu'); var submenuLinks = $('.sidebar-nav-submenu'); // Primary Accordion functionality menuLinks.click(function(){ var link = $(this); if (link.parent().hasClass('active') !== true) { if (link.hasClass('open')) { link.removeClass('open').next().slideUp(upSpeed); } else { $('.sidebar-nav-menu.open').removeClass('open').next().slideUp(upSpeed); link.addClass('open').next().slideDown(downSpeed); } } return false; }); // Submenu Accordion functionality submenuLinks.click(function(){ var link = $(this); if (link.parent().hasClass('active') !== true) { if (link.hasClass('open')) { link.removeClass('open').next().slideUp(upSpeed); } else { link.closest('ul').find('.sidebar-nav-submenu.open').removeClass('open').next().slideUp(upSpeed); link.addClass('open').next().slideDown(downSpeed); } } return false; }); }; // Controlamos la altura de page-content por si el sidebar de vecinos se extiende demasiado function ajustarAlturaPageContent() { const isOpen = document.querySelector('.sidebar-nav-menu.open'); const alturaSidebar = document.querySelector('#sidebar')?.offsetHeight; const pageContent = document.querySelector('#page-content'); if (!alturaSidebar || !pageContent) return; isOpen ? pageContent.style.height = alturaSidebar + 'px' : pageContent.style.height = 'initial'; } // Creamos un observer para monitorear cambios en el sidebar const observer = new MutationObserver(mutations => { ajustarAlturaPageContent(); // Salta cuando el sidebar cambia }); // Opciones del observer const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true }; // Seleccionamos el elemento a observar (el sidebar) const target = document.querySelector('#sidebar'); // Iniciamos la observación if (target) observer.observe(target, config); /* Sidebar Functionality */ var handleSidebar = function(mode) { if (mode === 'init') { // Init Scrolling (if we have a fixed header) if (header.hasClass('navbar-fixed-top') || header.hasClass('navbar-fixed-bottom')) { handleSidebar('init-scroll'); } // Init Sidebar sToggleSm.click(function(){ handleSidebar('toggle-sm'); }); sToggleLg.click(function(){ handleSidebar('toggle-lg'); }); } else if (mode === 'toggle-lg') { // Toggle Sidebar in large screens (> 991px) page.toggleClass('sidebar-full'); } else if (mode === 'toggle-sm') { // Toggle Sidebar in small screens (< 992px) page.toggleClass('sidebar-open'); } else if (mode === 'open-sm') { // Open Sidebar in small screens (< 992px) page.addClass('sidebar-open'); } else if (mode === 'close-sm') { // Close Sidebar in small screens (< 992px) page.removeClass('sidebar-open'); } else if (mode === 'open-lg') { // Open Sidebar in large screens (> 991px) page.addClass('sidebar-full'); } else if (mode === 'close-lg') { // Close Sidebar in large screens (> 991px) page.removeClass('sidebar-full'); } else if (mode == 'init-scroll') { // Init Sidebar Scrolling if (sScroll.length && (!sScroll.parent('.slimScrollDiv').length)) { // Initialize Slimscroll plugin sScroll.slimScroll({ height: $(window).height(), color: '#fff', size: '3px', touchScrollStep: 100 }); // Resize sidebar scrolling height on window resize or orientation change $(window).resize(sidebarScrollResize); $(window).bind('orientationchange', sidebarScrollResizeOrient); } } else if (mode == 'destroy-scroll') { // Destroy Sidebar Scrolling if (sScroll.parent('.slimScrollDiv').length) { // Remove Slimscroll by replacing .slimScrollDiv (added by Slimscroll plugin) with sScroll sScroll.parent().replaceWith(function() {return $( this ).contents();}); // Save the new .sidebar-scroll div to our sScroll variable sScroll = $('.sidebar-scroll'); // Remove inline styles (added by Slimscroll plugin) from our new sScroll sScroll.removeAttr('style'); // Disable functions running on window scroll and orientation change $(window).off('resize', sidebarScrollResize); $(window).unbind('orientationchange', sidebarScrollResizeOrient); } } }; // Sidebar Scrolling Resize Height on window resize and orientation change var sidebarScrollResize = function() { sScroll.css('height', $(window).height()); }; var sidebarScrollResizeOrient = function() { setTimeout(sScroll.css('height', $(window).height()), 500); }; /* Scroll to top functionality */ var scrollToTop = function() { // Get link var link = $('#to-top'); $(window).scroll(function() { // If the user scrolled a bit (150 pixels) show the link if ($(this).scrollTop() > 150) { link.fadeIn(100); } else { link.fadeOut(100); } }); // On click get to top link.click(function() { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop: 0}, 400); return false; }); }; /* Template Options, change features functionality */ var templateOptions = function() { /* * Color Themes */ var colorList = $('.sidebar-themes'); var themeLink = $('#theme-link'); var theme; if (themeLink.length) { theme = themeLink.attr('href'); $('li', colorList).removeClass('active'); $('a[data-theme="' + theme + '"]', colorList).parent('li').addClass('active'); } $('a', colorList).click(function(e){ // Get theme name theme = $(this).data('theme'); $('li', colorList).removeClass('active'); $(this).parent('li').addClass('active'); if (theme === 'default') { if (themeLink.length) { themeLink.remove(); themeLink = $('#theme-link'); } } else { if (themeLink.length) { themeLink.attr('href', theme); } else { $('link[href="css/themes.css"]').before(''); themeLink = $('#theme-link'); } } }); // Prevent template options dropdown from closing on clicking options $('.dropdown-options a').click(function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }); /* Page Style */ var optMainStyle = $('#options-main-style'); var optMainStyleAlt = $('#options-main-style-alt'); if (page.hasClass('style-alt')) { optMainStyleAlt.addClass('active'); } else { optMainStyle.addClass('active'); } optMainStyle.click(function() { setCookie('config_mainStyle', 'style', 365); page.removeClass('style-alt'); $(this).addClass('active'); optMainStyleAlt.removeClass('active'); }); optMainStyleAlt.click(function() { setCookie('config_mainStyle', 'style-alt', 365); page.addClass('style-alt'); $(this).addClass('active'); optMainStyle.removeClass('active'); }); if (getCookie('config_mainStyle') == 'style-alt') { optMainStyleAlt.click(); } /* Header options */ var optHeaderDefault = $('#options-header-default'); var optHeaderInverse = $('#options-header-inverse'); var optHeaderTop = $('#options-header-top'); var optHeaderBottom = $('#options-header-bottom'); if (header.hasClass('navbar-default')) { optHeaderDefault.addClass('active'); } else { optHeaderInverse.addClass('active'); } if (header.hasClass('navbar-fixed-top')) { optHeaderTop.addClass('active'); } else if (header.hasClass('navbar-fixed-bottom')) { optHeaderBottom.addClass('active'); } optHeaderDefault.click(function() { setCookie('config_header', 'clear', 365); header.removeClass('navbar-inverse').addClass('navbar-default'); $(this).addClass('active'); optHeaderInverse.removeClass('active'); }); optHeaderInverse.click(function() { setCookie('config_header', 'dark', 365); header.removeClass('navbar-default').addClass('navbar-inverse'); $(this).addClass('active'); optHeaderDefault.removeClass('active'); }); if (getCookie('config_header') == 'dark') { optHeaderInverse.click(); } optHeaderTop.click(function() { setCookie('config_posHeader', 'top', 365); page.removeClass('header-fixed-bottom').addClass('header-fixed-top'); header.removeClass('navbar-fixed-bottom').addClass('navbar-fixed-top'); $(this).addClass('active'); optHeaderBottom.removeClass('active'); handleSidebar('init-scroll'); }); optHeaderBottom.click(function() { setCookie('config_posHeader', 'bottom', 365); page.removeClass('header-fixed-top').addClass('header-fixed-bottom'); header.removeClass('navbar-fixed-top').addClass('navbar-fixed-bottom'); $(this).addClass('active'); optHeaderTop.removeClass('active'); handleSidebar('init-scroll'); }); if (getCookie('config_posHeader') == 'bottom') { optHeaderBottom.click(); } }; /* Datatables Basic Bootstrap integration (pagination integration included under the Datatables plugin in plugins.js) */ var dtIntegration = function() { $.extend(true, $.fn.dataTable.defaults, { "sDom": "<'row'<'col-sm-6 col-xs-5'l><'col-sm-6 col-xs-7'f>r>t<'row'<'col-sm-5 hidden-xs'i><'col-sm-7 col-xs-12 clearfix'p>>", "sPaginationType": "bootstrap", "oLanguage": { "sLengthMenu": "_MENU_", "sSearch": "
", "sInfo": '_START_-_END_ de _TOTAL_ registros', "sInfoFiltered": '(filtrado de _MAX_ registros)', "sInfoEmpty": 'Mostrando 0 de 0', "sZeroRecords": 'No se han encontrado registros', "sEmptyTable": 'No se han encontrado registros', "oPaginate": { "sPrevious": "", "sNext": "" } } }); }; return { init: function() { uiInit(); // Initialize UI Code }, sidebar: function(mode) { handleSidebar(mode); // Handle Sidebar Functionality }, datatables: function() { dtIntegration(); // Datatables Bootstrap integration } }; }(); $(function(){ App.init(); chkPass(); setTimeout('verifSession()', 2000); }); var isMobile = { Android: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i); }, BlackBerry: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/BlackBerry/i); }, iOS: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone|iPad|iPod/i); }, Opera: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera Mini/i); }, Windows: function() { return navigator.userAgent.match(/IEMobile/i); } }; function setTheme(theme) { if (theme == 'default') { delCookie('color_theme'); document.getElementById('css_theme').href=''; } else { setCookie('color_theme', theme, 365); document.getElementById('css_theme').href='css/themes/' + theme + '.css'; } } function changeCmd(cmd) { var form = document.getElementById('listaCmd'); form.codcmd.value = cmd; form.submit(); } function printMessage() { width = 800; height = 600; left = parseInt((window.screen.width - width) / 2); window.open('', 'vPrint', 'menubar=no, directories=no, toolbar=no, resizable=1, scrollbars=yes, width=' + width + ', height=' + height + ', left=' + left + ', top=' + parseInt((window.screen.height - height) / 2)); document.getElementById('frmPrint').submit(); return false; } function introField(e, funcion) { var keynum; if (window.event) { // IE keynum = e.keyCode; } else if (e.which) { // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keynum = e.which; } if (keynum == 13 && !e.shiftKey) { eval(funcion); return false; } else return true; } function onlyCheck(e, objeto, nextObject) { // Controla únicamente que si pulsamos Intro se vaya al objeto 'nextObject'. var keynum; if (window.event) { // IE keynum = e.keyCode; } else if (e.which) { // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keynum = e.which; } if (keynum == 13 && nextObject != null) { selectText(nextObject.id); return false; } return true; } function onlyAlfa(e, objeto, nextObject) { // Controla que el texto introducido en todo momento sea unicamente numeros enteros, incluso del keypad o letras a-z y A-Z. // Si pulsamos Intro, pondremos el foco en 'nextObject'. var keynum; if (window.event) { // IE keynum = e.keyCode; } else if (e.which) { // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keynum = e.which; } if (keynum == 13) { if (nextObject.type == 'text') selectText(nextObject.id); else if (typeof nextObject == 'string') eval(nextObject); else setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + nextObject.id + "').focus()", 50); return false; } var mays = (keynum == 16); var homend = (keynum >= 35 && keynum <= 36); var flechas = (keynum >= 37 && keynum <= 40); var numeric = (keynum >= 48 && keynum <= 57 && !e.shiftKey); var alfa = (keynum >= 65 && keynum <= 90); var keypad = (keynum >= 96 && keynum <= 105); var backsp = (keynum == 8); var tab = (keynum == 9); var del = (keynum == 46); return (numeric || keypad || alfa || flechas || backsp || tab || del || mays || homend); } function selectText(idTexto) { // Selecciona todo el texto de un cuadro de texto // Si es un SELECT, pon el foco en él var tb = document.getElementById(idTexto); if (document.getElementById(idTexto).type == 'text') tb.select(); document.getElementById(idTexto).focus(); } function zeroleft(objeto, digits) { while (objeto.value.length < digits) objeto.value = '0' + objeto.value + ''; } function urlencode(str) { str = (str + '').toString(); str = encodeURIComponent(str); str = str.replace(/!/g, '%21'); str = str.replace(/'/g, '%27'); str = str.replace(/\(/g, '%28'); str = str.replace(/\)/g, '%29'); str = str.replace(/\*/g, '%2A'); return str; } var idFila = 0; function addUrl(url) { var padre, x, elems=0, elem, elem2, campo, campo2; idFila++; padre = document.getElementById('attachments'); for (x=0,y=0;x < document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;x++) { elem = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[x]; if (elem.id != null && typeof elem.id != 'undefined') { if (elem.id.substr(0, 6) == "divUrl") { if (y == 0) { ind = parseInt(elem.id.substr(6)); campo = document.getElementById('URL' + ind); padre2 = campo.parentNode; if (padre2.childNodes.length == 1) { campo.style.maxWidth = '94%'; campo.style.marginRight = '10px'; campo.style.display = 'inline-block'; campo = document.createElement('a'); campo.setAttribute('href', '#'); campo.onclick = function () { return delUrl(parseInt(this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr(6))); } campo2 = document.createElement('i'); campo2.className = 'fa fa-times fa-2x'; campo2.style.display = 'inline-block'; campo.appendChild(campo2); padre2.appendChild(campo); } } y++; elems++; } } } elem = document.createElement('div'); elem.setAttribute('id', 'divUrl' + idFila); elem.className = 'form-group'; campo = document.createElement('label'); campo.className = 'col-md-1 control-label'; campo.htmlFor = 'telefono'; campo.innerHTML = 'URL'; elem.appendChild(campo); elem2 = document.createElement('div'); elem2.className = 'col-md-11'; campo = document.createElement('input'); campo.setAttribute('type', 'text'); campo.setAttribute('name', 'URL' + idFila); campo.setAttribute('id', 'URL' + idFila); campo.setAttribute('value', url); campo.className = 'form-control'; if (elems > 0) { campo.style.maxWidth = '94%'; campo.style.marginRight = '10px'; campo.style.display = 'inline-block'; } campo.onkeydown = function (e) { var keynum; if (window.event) { // IE keynum = e.keyCode; } else if (e.which) { // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keynum = e.which; } var mays = (keynum == 16); var homend = (keynum >= 35 && keynum <= 36); var flechas = (keynum >= 37 && keynum <= 40); var backsp = (keynum == 8); var tab = (keynum == 9); var del = (keynum == 46); if (!mays && !homend && !flechas && !backsp && !tab && !del && parseInt(this.id.substr(3)) == idFila) addUrl(''); } campo.onchange = function () { verifURL(this); } elem2.appendChild(campo); if (elems > 0) { campo = document.createElement('a'); campo.setAttribute('href', '#'); campo.onclick = function () { return delUrl(parseInt(this.parentNode.parentNode.id.substr(6))); } campo2 = document.createElement('i'); campo2.className = 'fa fa-times fa-2x'; campo2.style.display = 'inline-block'; campo.appendChild(campo2); elem2.appendChild(campo); } elem.appendChild(elem2); padre.appendChild(elem); } function delUrl(fila) { var padre, elem, x, ind; padre = document.getElementById('attachments'); elem = document.getElementById('divUrl' + fila); padre.removeChild(elem); idFila = 0; // Renumerar los índices for (x=0;x < document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;x++) { elem = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[x]; if (elem.id != null && typeof elem.id != 'undefined') { if (elem.id.substr(0, 6) == "divUrl") { ind = parseInt(elem.id.substr(6)); idFila++; elem.setAttribute('id', 'divUrl' + idFila); document.getElementById('URL' + ind).setAttribute('name', 'URL' + idFila); document.getElementById('URL' + ind).setAttribute('id', 'URL' + idFila); } } } // Si ya solo queda un elemento, quitarle la imagen de borrado if (idFila == 1) { campo = document.getElementById('URL' + idFila); campo.style.maxWidth = '100%'; campo.style.marginRight = '0px'; campo.style.display = 'block'; padre2 = campo.parentNode; padre2.removeChild(padre2.childNodes[1]); } } function sendCertRequest() { var x, elem, form = document.forms['certification_request']; dataPost = {}; for (x=0;x < form.elements.length;x++) { elem = form.elements[x]; if (elem.type == 'checkbox' || elem.type == 'radio') { if (elem.checked == true) dataPost[elem.name] = elem.value; } else if (elem.type == 'text' || elem.type == 'hidden' || elem.type == 'password' || elem.type == 'textarea') dataPost[elem.name] = elem.value; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: true, url: "ajax/sendCertificationRequest.php", data: dataPost }).done( function(msg) { if (msg != '') alert(msg); else { alert('Su solicitud ha sido enviada correctamente.'); document.forms['certification_request'].reset(); $('#modal-cert-request').modal('hide'); } } ); } function closeCertRequest() { document.forms['certification_request'].reset(); $('#modal-cert-request').modal('hide'); } function sendDebitRequest() { var x, elem, form = document.forms['debit_request']; dataPost = {}; for (x=0;x < form.elements.length;x++) { elem = form.elements[x]; if (elem.type == 'checkbox' || elem.type == 'radio') { if (elem.checked == true) dataPost[elem.name] = elem.value; } else if (elem.type == 'text' || elem.type == 'hidden' || elem.type == 'password' || elem.type == 'textarea') dataPost[elem.name] = elem.value; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: true, url: "ajax/sendDebitRequest.php", data: dataPost }).done( function(msg) { var x, y, iban, cuenta; if (msg != '') alert(msg); else { alert('Su forma de cobro de recibos ha sido actualizada correctamente.'); // Actualizar cuenta en el formulario if (document.getElementById('cuenta').checked == true) { if (document.getElementById('IBAN') != null && typeof document.getElementById('IBAN') != 'undefined') iban = document.getElementById('IBAN').value + ' '; else iban = ''; cuenta = ''; for (x=1;;x++) { if (document.getElementById('CuentaBanco_G' + x) != null && typeof document.getElementById('CuentaBanco_G' + x) != 'undefined') { if (x > 1) cuenta += ' '; /*if (x == 2 || x == 3 || x == 5) { for (y=0;y < document.getElementById('CuentaBanco_G' + x).value.length;y++) { if (y > 1) cuenta += '*'; else cuenta += document.getElementById('CuentaBanco_G' + x).value.substr(y, 1); } } else { cuenta += document.getElementById('CuentaBanco_G' + x).value; }*/ // Mostramos la cuenta sin asteriscos cuenta += document.getElementById('CuentaBanco_G' + x).value; } else break; } document.getElementById('formaCobro').innerHTML = iban + cuenta; } else if (document.getElementById('porteria').checked == true) document.getElementById('formaCobro').innerHTML = 'En portería'; else if (document.getElementById('despacho').checked == true) document.getElementById('formaCobro').innerHTML = 'En el despacho'; else document.getElementById('formaCobro').innerHTML = 'Ingreso/Transferencia'; document.forms['debit_request'].reset(); $('#modal-debit-request').modal('hide'); } } ); } function closeDebitRequest() { document.forms['debit_request'].reset(); $('#modal-debit-request').modal('hide'); } function verifURL(obj) { // Verifica que la URL corresponde a un fichero de vídeo o a un documento localizable en la web $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: true, url: "ajax/verifURL.php", data: { url: obj.value } }).done( function(msg) { if (msg == "KO") { alert('La URL introducida no es válida. Debe indicar la URL del video o archivo.'); obj.value = ''; setTimeout("document.getElementById('" + obj.id + "').focus()", 5); } else if (msg != 'OK') alert(msg); } ); } function saveChanges() { var campo, x, elem, ind; campo = document.getElementById('formMessage').attachs; campo.value = ''; for (x=0;x < document.getElementsByTagName('div').length;x++) { elem = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[x]; if (elem.id != null && typeof elem.id != 'undefined') { if (elem.id.substr(0, 6) == "divUrl") { ind = parseInt(elem.id.substr(6)); if (document.getElementById('URL' + ind).value != "") { if (campo.value != "") campo.value += ";"; campo.value += document.getElementById('URL' + ind).value + ""; } } } } for (x = (document.getElementsByTagName('div').length - 1);x >= 0;x--) { elem = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[x]; if (elem.id != null && typeof elem.id != 'undefined') { if (elem.id.substr(0, 6) == "divUrl") { ind = parseInt(elem.id.substr(6)); if (document.getElementById('URL' + ind).value == "") delUrl(ind); } } } addUrl(''); $('#modal-attachments').modal('hide'); } function dropChanges() { var campo, x, elem, ind; for (x = (document.getElementsByTagName('div').length - 1);x >= 0;x--) { elem = document.getElementsByTagName('div')[x]; if (elem.id != null && typeof elem.id != 'undefined') { if (elem.id.substr(0, 6) == "divUrl") { ind = parseInt(elem.id.substr(6)); delUrl(ind); } } } campo = document.getElementById('formMessage').attachs; if (campo.value != "") { if (campo.value.indexOf(';') > -1) urls = campo.value.split(';'); else urls = Array(campo.value); } else urls = Array(); for (x=0;x < urls.length;x++) addUrl(urls[x]); addUrl(''); $('#modal-attachments').modal('hide'); } function sendPersonalData() { var x, elem, seguir, dataPost, fuerza, patron, form = document.forms['personal_information']; dataPost = {}; seguir = false; patron = /^([2-9a-zA-Z~!@#$%^&*\(\)_+-=\\|\[\]{};:,\.\/<>\?]){6,}$/; form.email.value = form.email.value.trim(); if (form.direccion.value.trim() == '') alert('ERROR. Debe indicar su dirección.'); else if (form.cp.value.trim() == '' || form.cp.value.trim().length < 5) alert('ERROR. Debe indicar su código postal.'); else if (form.poblacion.value.trim() == '') alert('ERROR. Debe indicar su población.'); else if (form.provincia.value.trim() == '') alert('ERROR. Debe indicar la provincia.'); else seguir = true; if (seguir) { for (x=0;x < form.elements.length;x++) { elem = form.elements[x]; if (elem.type == 'checkbox' || elem.type == 'radio') { if (elem.checked == true) dataPost[elem.name] = elem.value; } else if (elem.type == 'text' || elem.type == 'hidden' || elem.type == 'password' || elem.type == 'textarea') dataPost[elem.name] = elem.value.trim(); } $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: true, url: "ajax/savePersonalData.php", data: dataPost }).done( function(msg) { if (msg != '') { alert(msg); document.forms['personal_information'].reset(); } else { alert('Datos personales guardados correctamente'); updateNewChangesModalUserSettings(); $('#modal-user-settings').modal('hide'); } } ); } } function updateNewChangesModalUserSettings() { const emailInput = document.querySelector("input[name='email']"); const emailDefaultInput = document.querySelector("input[name='email_default']"); const direccionInput = document.querySelector("input[name='direccion']"); const direccionDefaultInput = document.querySelector("input[name='direccion_default']"); const telefonoInput = document.querySelector("input[name='telefono']"); const telefonoDefaultInput = document.querySelector("input[name='telefono_default']"); if (emailInput && emailDefaultInput) { emailDefaultInput.value = emailInput.value; } if (direccionInput && direccionDefaultInput) { direccionDefaultInput.value = direccionInput.value; } if (telefonoInput && telefonoDefaultInput) { telefonoDefaultInput.value = telefonoInput.value; } } function discardPersonalData() { document.forms['personal_information'].reset(); chkPass(); $('#modal-user-settings').modal('hide'); //$('#modal-user-account').modal('hide'); } function sendLoginData(usuario, data, passwordParam = "") { var dataPost, patron; let actual_link = "https://clientes.geinsacomunidades.es"; dataPost = {}; patron = /^([2-9a-zA-Z~!@#$%^&*\(\)_+-=\\|\[\]{};:,\.\/<>\?]){6,}$/; usuario = usuario.trim(); if (usuario == '' || usuario.length < 6 || !patron.test(usuario)) { alert('ERROR. Debe indicar un nombre de usuario de al menos 6 caracteres.'); } else { dataPost['usuario'] = usuario; dataPost['data'] = data; dataPost['password'] = passwordParam; $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: true, url: "ajax/saveLoginData.php", data: dataPost }).done( function(msg) { console.log(msg); if (msg != '') { if (msg == "OK" && passwordParam != "") { alert("Contraseña cambiada correctamente. Se le redigirá a la ventana de logueo para volver a iniciar sesión."); } else { alert(msg); } //document.forms['login_information'].reset(); } else { alert('Ya tiene configurado su email como usuario de la Oficina Virtual. Ahora deberá ir a ese email y hacer click sobre el enlace de validación para definir su nueva contraseña definitiva.'); $('#modal-login-settings').modal('hide'); console.log(actual_link); window.location.replace(actual_link); } } ); } } function sendRequest() { var x, elem, form = document.forms['information_request']; dataPost = {}; for (x=0;x < form.elements.length;x++) { elem = form.elements[x]; if (elem.type == 'checkbox' || elem.type == 'radio') { if (elem.checked == true) dataPost[elem.name] = elem.value; } else if (elem.type == 'text' || elem.type == 'hidden' || elem.type == 'password' || elem.type == 'textarea') dataPost[elem.name] = elem.value; } $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: false, url: "ajax/sendRequest.php", data: dataPost }).done( function(msg) { if (msg != '') alert(msg); else { alert('Su solicitud ha sido enviada correctamente.'); document.forms['information_request'].reset(); $('#modal-info-request').modal('hide'); } } ); } function closeRequest() { document.forms['information_request'].reset(); $('#modal-info-request').modal('hide'); } function mail_valido(dircorreo) { var patron = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*@\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,})+$/; return patron.test(dircorreo); } function number_format(number,decimals,dec_point,thousands_sep){var n=number,prec=decimals;var toFixedFix=function(n,prec){var k=Math.pow(10,prec);return(Math.round(n*k)/k).toString();};n=!isFinite(+n)?0:+n;prec=!isFinite(+prec)?0:Math.abs(prec);var sep=(typeof thousands_sep==='undefined')?',':thousands_sep;var dec=(typeof dec_point==='undefined')?'.':dec_point;var s=(prec>0)?toFixedFix(n,prec):toFixedFix(Math.round(n),prec);var abs=toFixedFix(Math.abs(n),prec);var _,i;if(abs>=1000){_=abs.split(/\D/);i=_[0].length%3||3;_[0]=s.slice(0,i+(n<0))+_[0].slice(i).replace(/(\d{3})/g,sep+'$1');s=_.join(dec);}else{s=s.replace('.',dec);}var decPos=s.indexOf(dec);if(prec>=1&&decPos!==-1&&(s.length-decPos-1)=1&&decPos===-1){s+=dec+new Array(prec).join(0)+'0';}return s;} function SQLnum(cadena) { // Función que convertirá un número introducido por el usuario en su formato // a double de SQL (nnnnnnn.nn). var num; num = cadena.replace('.', '').replace(',', '.'); return (isNaN(parseFloat(num))) ? 0.0 : parseFloat(num); } function formato_numero(cantidad, decimales, millares) { if (decimales == null || typeof decimales == 'undefined') decimales = null; if (millares == null || typeof millares == 'undefined') millares = true; if (decimales == null) decimales = 2; chardec = ','; charmil = (millares) ? '.' : ''; return number_format(cantidad, decimales, chardec, charmil); } function verifSession() { // Verifica que la sesión siga activa. Si no es así, redirige al index. // SIEMPRE que no estemos ya en el propio index. if (document.getElementById('login-container') == null || typeof document.getElementById('login-container') == 'undefined') { $.ajax({ type: "POST", async: true, url: "ajax/verifSession.php" }).done( function(msg) { if (msg == "KO") document.location.href='index.php?logoutSession=1'; else setTimeout('verifSession()', 2000); } ); } } function showHide(pendiente) { link = 'all-invoices.php'; if (pendiente) { link += '?pend=' + (document.getElementById('Pendiente').checked ? 1 : 0); link += '&fila=' + (document.getElementById('Cobrado').checked ? 1 : 0); } else { link += '?fila=' + (document.getElementById('Cobrado').checked ? 1 : 0); link += '&pend=' + (document.getElementById('Pendiente').checked ? 1 : 0); } selector = document.getElementById('datatableAllInvoices_length').childNodes[0].childNodes[0]; link += '&page=' + selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value; document.location.href = link; } /* Fuerza de la contraseña */ String.prototype.strReverse = function() { var newstring = ""; for (var s=0; s < this.length; s++) { newstring = this.charAt(s) + newstring; } return newstring; }; function onlyUser(e) { // Controla que el texto introducido en todo momento sea unicamente numeros enteros, incluso del keypad o letras a-z y A-Z o punto o arroba. var keynum; if (window.event) { // IE keynum = e.keyCode; } else if (e.which) { // Netscape/Firefox/Opera keynum = e.which; } var mays = (keynum == 16); var homend = (keynum >= 35 && keynum <= 36); var flechas = (keynum >= 37 && keynum <= 40); var numeric = (keynum >= 48 && keynum <= 57 && !e.shiftKey); var alfa = (keynum >= 65 && keynum <= 90); var keypad = (keynum >= 96 && keynum <= 105); var backsp = (keynum == 8); var tab = (keynum == 9); var del = (keynum == 46); var punto = (keynum == 110 || keynum == 190); var altGr = (keynum == 17); return (numeric || keypad || alfa || flechas || backsp || tab || del || punto || mays || homend || altGr); } function validUser(obj) { valor = obj.value; valor = valor.replace(/[ÀÁÂÃÄÅ]/g, "A"); valor = valor.replace(/[àáâãäå]/g, "a"); valor = valor.replace(/[ÒÓÔÕÖØ]/g, "O"); valor = valor.replace(/[òóôõöø]/g, "o"); valor = valor.replace(/[ÈÉÊË]/g, "E"); valor = valor.replace(/[èéêë]/g, "e"); valor = valor.replace(/[Ç]/g, "C"); valor = valor.replace(/[ç]/g, "c"); valor = valor.replace(/[ÌÍÎÏ]/g, "I"); valor = valor.replace(/[ìíîï]/g, "i"); valor = valor.replace(/[ÙÚÛÜ]/g, "U"); valor = valor.replace(/[ùúûü]/g, "u"); valor = valor.replace(/[ÿ]/g, "y"); valor = valor.replace(/[Ñ]/g, "N"); valor = valor.replace(/[ñ]/g, "n"); valor = valor.replace(/[ª]/g, "a"); valor = valor.replace(/[º]/g, "o"); obj.value = valor; } function validEmail(elem) { const validateEmail = (email) => { return String(email) .toLowerCase() .match( /^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|.(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/ ); }; if(!validateEmail(elem.value)) { alert("Email incorrecto. Por favor, introduzca un email con formato válido."); } } function validityRadio(option) { if (option === "usuario") { document.querySelector("#usuario-change").disabled = false; document.querySelector("#clave-change").disabled = true; document.querySelector("#clave2-change").disabled = true; jQuery("#buttonSendUserDataPersonalAccount").attr("data-option" , "email"); } else if (option === "clave") { document.querySelector("#usuario-change").disabled = true; document.querySelector("#clave-change").disabled = false; document.querySelector("#clave2-change").disabled = false; jQuery("#buttonSendUserDataPersonalAccount").attr("data-option" , "onlyPassword"); } } function chkPass() { /* Pedro - Función que comprueba la fortaleza de la contraseña (con los colores y porcentaje). Comentada temporalmente hasta ver si se sigue utilizando o se quita definitivamente del programa. Está definida en cualquiera de los app.js.bk que tenemos, ya que al intentar comentarla aquí daba conflicto en el programa por los patterns. */ }